Silvanite / Prayers

These are a few of the prayers contained within the church of Silvanus' library. The collective works of the library are known as Silvanlore and they touch on many aspects of nature, the weather, and the sea.

The actual divine scriptures of Silvanus are available separately.

Prayer of The Hunt


The Prayer of the Hunt rune glows beneath your fingers,
and Torm the Hierophant of Silvanus appears in prayer
before your eyes...

  The Lord of the Hunt guide my hand,
as I engage in the timeless dance of
hunter and prey.
Under waxing moon,
I run through the forests of my birth,
the wind through my hair,
the land beneath my feet,
and always the prey before me.

The ancient dance progresses,
flight and pursuit,
life and death,
hunter and prey.

The dance ends,
with libations of blood.
the sacrifice made,
only to begin again.

The prey is martyred,
that the tribe may live,
and in time,
when under waxen moon
the Dance is again engaged.
hunter will become prey,
libation of blood,
my sacrifice made,
for my progeny's sake,
that the land will remain.

Lord of the Wilds


The Lord of the Wilds prayer rune sparks at your touch,
and Nuncio the Pathfinder appears in contemplation
before you...

  Breath of all Wind,
    May Your realms persevere and prosper.

Spring of all Water,
    May we be borne safely across their breadth.

Lord of the Wilds,
    May we serve Thee, as one with Your will.

The Pattern


As your hands near The Pattern rune, Rinada the
respected Bishop of Silvanus
appears in prayer
before you...

  As I looked at the world
Through the raindrop in my eye
I suddenly saw the pattern clearly

the ways of the dove
the ways of the wolf
the ways of the cobweb
the ways of the seed

The ways of me

Let the hunter become the hunted
The prey give blood to the soil
Let me be a vessel of my Lord
A harbinger of rain
A hunter, unlimited breath
A heartbeat that never comes to rest

Life and death, day and night

Summer and winter, creation and destruction

Water for my roots

Give me strength to tear down the walls
That suffocate me

Let the cycle be undisturbed

Nature's Beauty


The rune of Nature's Beauty flitters and Thalia
the Ecologue Nightingale
speaks these words

  When I'm in the great outdoors I can feel the strength of Silvanus under
my feet and touch it in the world around me, the trees, plants and
creatures of our land. I feel the wind caressing me and the clouds
shading me and know our Great Lord is there. I see the beauty of even
the smallest of his creations, a tiny spider with dew glistening on its
web or a single leaf falling from a tree and I'm in awe.

My Temple


Arrgruff the Ranger offers this
prayer from the rune of My Temple

  I pray by the river, I am praying in Your temple. I give thanks on the
open seas, I am giving thanks in Your temple. I worship in the forest, I
am worshipping in Your temple. My body is felled and I rejoin the cycle,
giving my body back the soil, I am giving my body back to Your temple. I
stand on a mountain's top and survey the land, I am standing at the peak
of Your temple. I am looking across the wilderness,the sea, the stormy
skies of Your temple. You are my Lord Silvanus, and each step I take in
the natural world is a step taken in Your temple.

Your Blessings


From the rune of Your Blessings springs
Ganthrol Dirk with this prayer...

  Lord Silvanus, I awaken each day glad to be Your follower. The words and
writings you give forth are what govern me, define me, and give me life.
Lord Silvanus, I am humbled to view the wonderous blessings you bestow.
Yours is a large and glorious dominion. From the earth which brings forth
the plants. From the plants which sustain the animals. From the animals
which sustain other animals and mortals. And from the death of plants,
animals and mortals the cycle continues. Lord Silvanus, if You can create
such beautiful like a rainbow on land, I can only dream of what lies
beneath the surface of the seas. Lord Silvanus, I pray that I have what it
takes to be the servant of Your word. I pray that my humble assistance to
Your cause is enough to help others understand You.



Seridia the devoted worshiper forms
before you with these exceptional and enlightening
words of prayer...

  "I' best'at.. ever'thin in Nature is important..down
t' th' last' last ant. Th' cycle won' work if even one part is
missin. I think'at's th' important thing t'me..cause when I was born..we
wasn' important at' I was raised.. taught'at I didn' matter but
Silvanus....'e say EVER'THIN is important.. 'at without one small piece..
th' puzzle ain' complete."



As the rune of Presence lights, Marizium appears
with the following prayer...

  Oh Great Lord your presence is with me every day of my life. You wake me
each morning with a gentle morning breeze. You inspire and delight me at
the wonders I behold. From the dancing sunbeams on the crest of a wave to
the constant chatter of your simple woodland beasts. You provide me with
shelter and food to eat. I know you shall protect me while I sleep, beneath
the canopy of your beloved forest.



From the Source rune Caelia the respected
Bishop of Silvanus

  Who created the heavens and stretched them out? Most know the answer to
this. Many answer it in different ways because of their personal beliefs.
Who spread out the earth and its offspring, again for each of us we chose
to have faith in our own beliefs?
Who gives breath to the people on it, and spirit to those who walk in it?
There can be only one answer to this ... My Lord Silvanus! The breath
appears to be a trifling matter, and the air an impalpable substance of
but small importance, yet, once withdrawn, the body loses all vitality,
and crumbles back to earth from which it was originally taken. All animals
come under this law, and even the dwellers in the sea are not exempt from
it. Thus dependent is all nature upon the will of Silvanus! In winter the
earth falls into a sleep which makes her appear worn and old, but how
readily does Silvanus awaken her with the voice of spring, and make her put
on anew the beauty of her youth? Silvanus and Erosia, doest all things, and
let glory be unto Their names.



The Raindrop rune comes to life at your touch
and the devoute Rainekins appears before you,
face raised to the sky in prayer...

  Today I feel like the soft touch of a raindrop on a pedal.
Life to the pedal you are to me.
The taste of the raindrop is like the knowledge you impart on us.
Lord there is too much I can thank you for,
that I cannot do it in a single prayer.
So much I ish to do,
that it cannot be done in a single year.
What I wish to do shall take many prayers
or even a rainstorm of devotion.